Atlantis Rising
Look, over there,
Isn't that Atlantis rising?
And, say, do you recognise those
Von Daniken beings from beyond;
Well, fancy that.
Oh, hey, Nostradamus was right after all.
I can sure hear that last trump blow.
There's spontaneous combustion,
Amongst the no smoking signs;
Won't the government hate that?
King Arthur's having a chat
With Robin Hood. Tactics, I'll bet.
And simply everyone has an aura.
Nessie just signed over all the film rights,
And everyone agrees to decree
The Bermuda Triangle's really a square.
The dinosaurs were nuked,
The ghosts are out on strike.
They've taxed reincarnation today.
The ferryman on the Styx laughs at pennies now;
He'll take only Ectoplasmic Express.
All right. We're sorry.
Come on back, you sceptics,
All is forgiven!