Welcome to
Wolf Space
Just another small corner of the Web.
A home for:
a compilation of New Zealand slang words and terms (last updated 13 April 2004)
Voices from the Heart of the Dreaming a collection of poetry from out of the dark. |
I'm proud to be able also to have a part of my friend Lee's work here.
His poem: Lonely
Scenes from the Edge of Forever
Aw, go on. Shoo! You don't want to see this stuff! It's just a couple of dreamers getting together and making up characters, writing stuff, all that kind of thing. Not interesting at all.
The pen and ink artwork of my co-conspirator in the warp.
Other bits and pieces:
(Wolf and sunset photos on this page from Free Stock Photos and navigation buttons courtesy of World of the Wolf)
Site created 21 March 2003
Last updated, and maybe upgraded, 5 June 2006